ANYWAY, so I LOVE this workshop. I adore the paper and I LOVE the techniques. We'll be learning about stamp masking along with some super-fun creative ways to use your long-reach punches and LOTS of opportunity to perfect your sponging technique! And in the BONUS layouts, using Cherish - I've never seen a more perfect fit for the Stickease! I can't tell you how much I love love love this workshop!! hahaha
SO! Come out June 27th, 9am-noon at my place (St. Catharines) or 7pm-10pm at my mom's (Georgetown)
PRICING: For the BASIC workshop (Bella Level 2 paper and stickease, foundry tabs, and access to all the other tools and accessories you need for the main layout) it's $28.83, WHICH will leave you with leftovers!!
For the BETTER workshop - all the above PLUS the stamp set to take home (it is a REALLY CUTE set this time around - Buttoned Together (click here to view) is $52.33
For the BEST workshop - all the above PLUS Mini-Medly Accents autumn garden collection it's $62.28.
You CAN pick and choose, so say, Basic workshop plus Best accessories and no stamp set - just let me know!
AND you CAN order your stuff yourself, if you like, especially with the online DEAL-A-DAY going on!! Just make sure to either RSVP or get your orders in by June 15th so we're CERTAIN to have all our supplies in plenty of time for the workshop!!
Can't wait - see you there!!
Becca - I wanna do a card making workshop sometime in Georgetown. I would be totally interested and excited to do that - much more so then scrapbook page....
what do you think?
JENN Gibson
Sounds like a great idea - let's pitch it and see if it takes and then we'll plan it, for sure!
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