Thursday, April 30, 2009

One more sleep

Tomorrow the new idea book goes LIVE and we can all enjoy celebrating the start (at least in catalogues) of the 2009 summer! HOORAY!

If you haven't already heard this is a pretty exciting event and I like to throw PARTIES to celebrate.

Tomorrow night in St. Catharines, Saturday night in Georgetown. Leave a "comment" for details!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2 days and counting...

Only TWO SLEEPS 'till the first Idea Book launch party - WOOHOO!!!

And just so you all know, we need to give major props to our darling dearest RaeDawn for coming over to help me with some of the prep tonight - I'm SO much further ahead than I normally am for these events - YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!

Come PLAY WITH US on Friday, in St. Catharines, or Saturday, in Georgetown, for some great gifts, prizes, and chances to WIN FREE STUFF from Close To My Heart - WOW!

OH I love these parties!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Mom Club

So yesterday my mom and I went to a baby shower for my cousin, Ali who had a wee little baby girl at the end of March. It's funny - I'm nine years younger than my next-youngest cousin and always growing up when we'd get together I was desperately trying to fast-forward myself to be at their (super-cool, older-than-me) level.

THEN I did something a little stupid and got MARRIED when I was 21 (hahaha - don't worry, I don't REALLY think marrying Mr. Man was a stupid thing to do; apparently it was THE perfect choice for us, who'da' thunk it?) and then we had Little Miss two weeks before my 25th birthday.

My other cousin had twins six weeks after Little Miss's arrival and that left Ali at family functions the only non-mom of the female cousins.

(This turned out longer than I meant - hahaha - but I guess that's standard for me...SORRY)

ANYWAY, at her shower Ali said to we cousins - I'm finally part of the mom club, now!! hahaha TOOOOOO cute!! She's trying to catch up to ME for a change!!

My mom made an adorable card for the occasion:

AND here's what I gave for the gorgeous little girlie:

(for some reason that last photo is coming up sideways...I don't have a clue why, and neither does our computer genius Mr. Man, soo weird, and whoops!)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


OKAY, here's the deal. I know I've already mentioned this a couple of times but now we're ready for DETAILS!!

As mentioned there are TWO Launch Parties - one in St. Catharines (Friday, May 1st) and one in Georgetown (Saturday, May 2nd). These parties are easily one of the most fun things about my job - it's when the brand new idea book becomes available and goes LIVE for you wonderful customers and we LOVE to celebrate!!

COME to one of the parties and enjoy a few games, laughs, prizes, giveaways, and refreshments!

EVERY person who places an order will receive 10% off—no matter how large or small the order!

AND, if you've been to a launch before, you know the piece-de-resistance of the evening is always the draw for HOSTESS REWARDS. Here's how to enter the draw:
1 'ticket' just for coming! (It's THAT easy!)
2 tickets for bringing a friend (times number of friends you bring - got it? 2 friends = 4 tickets. Okay, GOOD - I knew you were smart!)
3 tickets for placing an order of ANY size or
4 tickets for qualifying for a free 'Tickled Pink' scrapbooking kit
4 tickets for signing up and picking a date to host a gathering
It'll be the easiest free stuff you'll ever win!! (Last launch's winner got $75 free stuff AND 50% her choice of anything in the idea book! WOW!)

Questions? Leave me a comment or contact me!

Hope to see you THERE!! (RSVP by April 29th for either party, PLEASE!)

Finals are DONE!

Okay, so SLIGHTLY huge hiatus there - sorry about that. Finals were kicking my butt and I found I had nothing new or interesting to post about. I hope you haven't been too distraught over my disappearance - I'm BACK!

And here, too, finally, are pics of the upcoming 'That's Amore' workshop projects - there are lots of instruction booklets kicking around ($1.25) for these gorgeous layouts, so be sure to drop me a line if you want one!

BY the way - check back SOON for some exciting new information about next week's LAUNCH PARTIES - I can't WAIT!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Free Food, anyone?

Hi, hi!! So, it's been a BUSY day - check my main blog in a quick bit to read ALL about it, 'cause I know you're DYING to know how I spent my Saturday morning...

BUT I wanted to take a sec and make sure you ALL know about and feel invited to... the new Idea Book LAUNCH PARTY!!!

Okay, okay. So here's how it works - Close To My Heart is SO awesome (who me? I'm not biased...) that instead of just shipping us sell-sell-sell catalogues we're all treated each new catalogue to new tricks, tips, and ideas to make our projects B-E-A-YOUtiful faster, simpler, and easier!! So even if there's no new products in the idea book that tickles your fancy there'll be TONNES of great new ideas!!

Idea Books come out three times a year - three times a year we get new product, GREAT new ideas, and a fantastic excuse to PARTAY. This time we're partying like it's the summer 2009 Idea Book. (I know, I know - we had snow here last week, too. Just go with it....)

This time around I'm hosting TWO launch parties so it's easier for you all to make it out: one in St. Catharines on May 1st, and one in Georgetown on May 2nd. The idea books go live May 1st, so attending either party you'll be among the FIRST to see the new stuff! If you have any interest at all in a fun girls-night out to play games and chillax with the ladies, and potentially meet new ones then COME. We always have a blast.

PLEASE contact me if you'd like to come - we'd LOVE to have you!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

Little Miss 'helped' me make this card today.

(CTMH Lilac Mist, Sunkiss Yellow, Baby Pink, Key Lime, and Sweet Pea papers/inks)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

A few of my favourite things

These three layouts (featuring the one and only Little Miss, of course!) were completed with Close To My Heart's uber-fantastic Emporium Workshop (step-by-step how-to guide still available for only $1.10!)

I will admit, even having a little girl, I still for the most part loathe pink. I mean, as much as a person can feel strongly about a colour I feel negatively toward the colour pink. Luckily, it's just a COLOUR soooo it doesn't really matter.... This card came out of RaeDawn's suggestion that baby pink go wonderfully with chocolate brown...

And the above pink-and-brown success lead to this gorgeous baby gift! (Baby-pink, lilac mist, chocolate, and Sweet Pea Level 2 paper

I did this last week for a girlfriend's wedding present... I just can't get enough of this Silhouette Level 2 paper!

My BEST work, for sure, though it will look even better with a picture of the little angel...

Using That's Amore level 2, "Delight in Everything" stamp set, some big letter stamps old connections club reward, plus some hemp. :)


Why, HELLO there!! Welcome to the new blog! I'm excited to get started - I think this should be fun.

If you've been with me for a bit already you may be a bit surprised to see what I do for moolah given what I usually write about doing in my "free" time. Rest ASSURED, people - I LOVE what I do!!

I'm an Independent Consultant for Close To My Heart Scrapbooking & Stamps. I celebrated my 1 year anniversary in February and I have LOVE-LOVE-LOVED the journey so far.

Can't wait to share the next leg...or few....with you, here!